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Kingdom Life Frankfurt

Kingdom Life Frankfurt e.V
Frankfurt am Main: VR 15235




We consider prayer to be a priority for every believer. Both private and corporate prayer are the foundation of our relationship with God.

God's Word

We believe God's written Word, the Bible, to be divinely inspired by the Holy Spirit and that it is the standard for our lives as Christians (2 Tim. 3:16). We believe God speaks to His people by the Holy Spirit through His written Word as well as through prophetic word (1 Cor. 14:1). We seek to be obedient to God's Word as a demonstration of our love for Him (John 14:15) and to reveal His will on earth as it is in Heaven (Mt 6:10).


We understand worship to be a lifestyle that is a response to the revelation of God (Romans 12:1,2). We seek to be a people who worship unreservedly in spirit and in truth (John 4:21-24). We honour the presence of the Holy Spirit in our meetings and seek to give Him room to lead us in our worship. We want to be God-conscious and not self-conscious in our expression of worship. We seek to worship God unconditionally for who He is. When we meet as the church, we meet to worship God and to be encouraged by God and one another. We believe that both believers and non-believers need to see and experience God's supernatural presence and a people who worship Him unreservedly (1 Cor. 14:24,25).


We understand faith as believing in God and believing His Word despite the circumstances (Rom. 4:18-21). That means we seek to believe God's promises rather than physical circumstances even when they seem to contradict God's Word. We choose to align our thinking according to God's standard as opposed to natural reasoning because we know that God's standard prevails over natural circumstances and human reasoning (1 Cor. 2:12-14). We live by faith and not by dependence upon what we see, understand through logic or our experiences (2 Cor.5:7). We seek to be a people with a faith that pleases God as we trust in Him to act on His promises (Heb. 11:1,6).

Kingdom mind-set

We believe that the people of God are chosen and uniquely gifted to establish God's Kingdom - His rule and reign on earth. Our primary motivation for reaching people who don't personally know God's love is not to build Kingdom Life (KLF) but to establish God's Kingdom by furthering the influence of God's Kingdom wherever we are. We believe the Church to be a force and not a field (please see Jerry Cook's article on "What is the Church" on the KLF website). We believe that as we seek to do the works of Jesus, God will add to our number. Therefore we understand that everyone who calls themselves a Christian is responsible to reveal Jesus to society. We believe that the Church is made up of the priesthood of all believers (1 Peter 2:9). Therefore we are representatives of God (2 Corinthians 5:20), and are thus authorised by God to speak and act on His behalf. Every person who has turned the control of their life over to Jesus and is filled with the Holy Spirit is empowered to do the works of Jesus. We believe that the roles of the apostle, prophet, evangelist, pastor and teacher are to equip the church to do Kingdom work (Ephesians 4:11,12). God's rule and reign transcends cultural, denominational and social barriers!


We believe that God wants His people to walk in fullness of life and blessing. We therefore believe that oppression, sickness and poverty are not God's will for the believer's life but are rather the effect of the kingdom of darkness and the work of dark and negative forces led by Satan who seeks to steal, kill and destroy.


We believe we have received God's Spirit to reveal God's nature. We demonstrate God's love by laying down our lives for one another (1 John 3:16). We recognise that we are to be united in spirit and purpose through the bond of peace and not only at a human level (Eph. 4:3).

Being naturally supernatural

We expect God to move in power to bring healing on every level (i.e. spirit, soul and body), deliverance from the power of satan and salvation to those we minister to in His love so that He is revered and honoured. We seek to go out of our way to be available for God to glorify Himself through us as we "risk for His glory." We desire to be a spiritual people who are led by the Holy Spirit. We recognize that man is spirit, soul and body (Heb. 4:12; 1 Thess. 5:23) and that we need to discern what is truly spiritual and what is soulish or "of the flesh" (natural selfish desires). We therefore minister to others in the supernatural power of the Holy Spirit in a natural way that does not draw attention to ourselves but releases the presence, power and love of God.


We believe in God's divine order and that as His people we must submit to His authority if we are to exercise spiritual authority. As God's people we are also called to submit to the spiritual authority and leadership God appoints in the church (Hebrews 13:17).

Generous spirit

God calls us to have a generous spirit. Freely we have received, freely we must give. We seek to serve and not to be served. We look to the needs of others before our own needs. We seek to give rather than receive. We seek to give to God and one another rather than seek to have our own needs met. We seek to be generous with our time, our money and our love and we seek to accept, forgive and encourage one another.

Ministering to the poor

We believe we are called to reach people who don't personally know God's love and to feed and clothe the poor and homeless. It is important to us that all of us are involved in some way in looking after those in need.

Next Generation

We believe that we are responsible to empower, train and release the next generation to impact society with God's rule and reign. We therefore seek to have powerful children's and youth ministries that will help our young people encounter God and be released to do the works of Jesus to further God's rule and reign on earth as it is in heaven.